Monday, November 11, 2019

What Is Culture and Socialisation Interact in Sociology

SLSS102 Explorations in Sociology – Assessment 1 Minor essay Word limit: 1500 words Weighting: 20% Due date: 9am AEDT Monday 1 April Assessment overview Write a 1500 word essay on ONE of the following topics: Topic 1: Which is more important in shaping individual identity: social structure or social interaction? ?OR Topic 2: Explain how culture and socialisation interact in a sociological context? Assessment details In your essay you should: Demonstrate your understanding of themes covered so far in this unit. †¢ Use the three texts listed in the resources box (right) to answer your selected question. †¢ In addition you should use a minimum of TWO references to augment the material in these texts. †¢ Support your discussions with examples from the social world. †¢ Use correct Harvard referencing. Criteria for assessment Your essay should clearly address the question and include relevant ideas from the unit and your knowledge and experience.When marking you r essay, your eLA will ask: †¢ How well have you used relevant ideas from the unit readings and additional materials to answer the question? †¢ How well have you used relevant examples from your own knowledge and experience to answer the question? †¢ How convincing and coherent is your answer? †¢ How well is your answer written and presented? ?Resources To answer your essay question, use the following resources: Your eText: Henslin, JM, Possamai, A, and Possamai- Indesedy, A 2011, Sociology: A Down to Earth Approach, Pearson Australia, Frenchs Forest. nd the following two ebooks: Plummer, K 2010, Sociology: The Basics, Taylor and Francis Back, L. , Bennett, A. , Edles, L. ,Gibson, M. , Inglis, D. ,Jacobs, R. , Woodward, I 2012, Cultural Sociology: An Introduction, Wiley. Note: These resources are also listed under Assessment1: Minor essay, in the Assessments section in Blackboard. To augment the material in these texts you may use other Sociology textbooks, artic les from the Swinburne library database and current media articles. SLSS102 Explorations in Sociology 1 SLSS102 Explorations in Sociology – Assessment 1 Minor essay Assessment 1: Minor essay submission details †¢ All pages should include your name and student number in the document footer †¢ All references should be appropriately cited using the Harvard style. There is also a link to this guide in Blackboard, under the Assessments section. †¢ Submit your assignment as one Microsoft Word or PDF document †¢ Save your file as follows: [student numberA1. filetype] e. g. 1234567A1. pdf or 1234567A1. doc †¢ Submit your essay via the Blackboard link > Assessment > Minor essay

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